I want to be clear where I stand on Social Security. We must protect Social Security, expand benefits for low-wage earners, and oppose any cuts.
How do we secure the future of Social Security?The reality is that we need multiple measures to protect Social Security for generations to come. Some options include raising the earnings cap, expanding the tax base, and/or taxing the Social Security income of those with high income from other sources. Raising the age limit is totally out of the question, as this primarily hurts low-wage earners and provides no immediate financial benefit.
Why won’t getting rid of the earnings cap work?This pie-in-the-sky approach sounds good at face value, but it is impractical and impossible to get through Congress. If you say rich people should pay more without getting additional benefits, the pay-benefit system is delinked, and Social Security becomes a welfare program. That would put Social Security at risk for future cuts. It turns out that throwing out the earnings cap is nothing but a short-term fix.
Why should I vote for you on August 20?As your Congressional representative, I will pursue practical long-term solutions to secure Social Security. In Congress, I will analyze options based on hearings and negotiations with my colleagues. I will stand firmly for ensuring benefits are maintained, and even enhanced for low-wage earners, and for placing the burden of additional financing on high-wage earners. I will focus on achieving equity and securing Social Security as quickly as possible. The longer we wait, the more difficult and burdensome it will be to correct.
Above all, I stand for common sense and common ground.
Offer well to do Americans reduction on Capitol gains if they agree to give up their S.S.