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Issues and Priorities

voting booth

Election Integrity

Simple, easy voting access, ending gerrymandering, supporting the passing and implementation of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act

beach path


Protecting and conserving land and water, transition to a green energy environment, smart coastal adaptions, support for storm victims

older women laughing

Women's Right to Choose

Let the decision on health care be between a woman and her provider, not the government 

solar panels in field by hills

Energy Efficiency

Restricting energy company monopolies by opening the market

man on computer at table in kitchen with family


Quality public Pre-K to 12th grade education, and affordable college accessible for every American 

people waving pride flags


All Americans should be treated with dignity and respect in their communities, workplaces, and schools. 

country flags

Foreign Policy

Building strong alliances and working towards global understanding. Contributing to world development as necessary tools for promoting security and prosperity.

older happy couple

Insurance Crisis

Reform is needed to correct the Florida insurance market as soon as possible

condos with path and palm trees

Housing Crisis

Address affordable housing through national programs supporting the building of lower income units and support for first home buyers.

dollar bills


 Implementing a mixed economy, as well as making clean energy investments will help achieve economic development and job creation.  Support President Biden's programs for rebuilding our infrastructure and revitalizing industry in America.

gun laying on table


Evidence-based, common-sense solutions will reduce gun violence and save lives

doctor's exam room

Health Care

Every American should receive quality health care that is accessible and affordable 

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